These days, I feel like I'm soaking in it. Not Palmolive --- just life. It's crazy right now. And in times when my emotions are all over the map and just rich, for some reason, I think of that phrase: You're soaking in it!
I've taken a new call! Phew! I can finally say it now in this public spot. The 2.5 people who read this blog already know this, of course, but for ethical, professional reasons, I haven't been able to blog about this huge thing that's been going on in my life for the last several months. Hence the relative quietude.
In fact, as things heat up around here, I may be turning to this space more and more just to process stuff.

I am in the midst of saying good-byes and winding down at Westwood, a place that has been a great church home for our family for almost six years. The career part of it has been mixed - lots of transitions, and interesting staff stuff - but overall, good. It's the dear dear people and the gorgeous worship and beautiful architecture that I will miss so very much. The refrain I hear is: "We are sad for us, but happy for you and your family." I, too, am sad to leave Westwood, and I will miss this community a lot.
My new call is at Shepherd of the Valley, Apple Valley, and I am so thrilled. The pastors, staff and call committee have been phenominally welcoming, and the call process itself was just a wonder. By the final interview, I swear, there was some kind of Holy Ghost power electrifying the air in that meeting room. By the time I left there, I was certain that no matter what the call committee decided, it would be God's will, and I was happy with that. The amazing thing is, they called me before I even got home to offer me the opportunity to have my name recommended to the church council! The chairman had his phone on speaker, and when I replied "absolutely" to this opportunity, the committee erupted in cheers! So affirming, and entirely cool. I start there May 31.
And between now and then, we are getting our lovely Kingfield Bungalow ready to sell. If it weren't so clear on so many levels that this move to Apple Valley is meant to be, we would be having a lot harder time with all of these changes. We love the city. We've been very committed to having Micah enrolled at Windom. The Spanish Immersion program there has been so great for him, and it looks like we won't find that in AV, sadly. But! We are totally riding the positives of the Apple Valley move: closer to Eric's work, closer to his folks, great schools, the opportunity for us to live and work and school and worship all in the same community ...
But to get there, we will be selling our house, buying a new one, finding a nanny, adjusting to a new community ... even though it's only 30 minutes away, everything will be new, so it might as well be cross country in some respects.
Don't know how much I'll bore you 2 or 3 with the details of the house processes, but I do know entire blogs have been dedicated to this. We will be having >$15K worth of work done on the outside of the house. And we're flying brother Jon out for 6 days of painting and fixing stuff. Can't wait to see how it all turns out ... and I know the improvements are only going to make us love this place more. Sniff.
But - a whole brand new house? And job? And everything? Just amazing to consider.
We're soaking in it.
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