There was a little chicken-wire fenced square in the back corner of the lot, with a lonely rhubarb plant and a few chives coming up this spring. So I mused about it a bit, and one day at Target (that reputable seller of seeds?!) I got swept away by the seed packet display and bought up a few veggies and plants to try in our little patch. I bought tomato, basil and pepper plants at an actual nursery. And here's where we stand as of early August ...
The rhubarb that just won't quit, and the lovely Black-eyed Susans that recently appeared
And we have the promise of pumpkins in the fall
In the nearby bed that was once a sandbox, there are some random flowers growing, none that appear to have been the seeds I planted. This one is most intriguing to me:
A few weeks ago, it looked like this.
And now, like this.
These intricate little pods are so beautiful. I don't have a clue what they are, but it seems enough to appreciate them and wonder.
Always, I dream about what I can grow next year. I was inspired by a recent visit to a lovely garden grown by a couple from church. The Hollyhocks (which have a special place in my heart for some reason) were spectacular this summer.
Maybe next year ...
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