Wednesday, January 30, 2008

What I did on my Summer Vacation

Since it's the coldest night of the year, let's think back to summer, shall we? Here I am with my friend Deb in her lovely backyard. It was 90-some degrees and very humid. Warms my -5 degree heart just thinking about it!

And here I am with my little guys, also in Deb & Scott's yard. What a lovely time we had!

AND ... now I have to eat some humble pie ... I FOUND our cameras! They were very well stashed in a box behind a box, but the lost have been found. Now, when I find my card reader, I'll post some more pics.

It is amazing, and more than a little daunting, how long it takes to establish order in a new place. Our house is lovely and large and has all kinds of storage, but we can't figure out where to put stuff so we can find it! I wish I had a REAL SIMPLE brain. Mine is REAL CONFUSING.

1 comment:

owen andrew said...

beautiful pictures! you all look so great. the pic with your boys warms my heart...being the mom of sons is just awesome, isn't it? :)